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Launch of the FrHyGe project


On March 20, 2024, the European consortium met to officially launch the FrHyGe* project, supported and subsidized by the European Union via the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. The aim of this €43 million project is to validate underground hydrogen storage in saline cavities on an industrial scale. The FrHyGe project will set up a demonstrator at the Manosque underground storage site and study the replicability of this technology at the Harsefeld site in Germany, and more widely across Europe.

*FrHyGE: Full qualification in France of large-scale HYdrogen underground storage and replication from Germany to all European countries

A large-scale demonstrator for underground hydrogen storage in Europe

The FrHyGe project has 4 objectives:

As part of the FrHyGe project, project coordinator Storengy and its partners will carry out technical, economic, regulatory, environmental and safety studies. They will draw up a roadmap for the fastest possible deployment of the conversion process and the creation of salt cavities, thus contributing to the creation of a genuine European hydrogen storage and transport backbone.

With a total budget of 43 million Euros, including 20 million financed by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, this project opens up new prospects for the development of renewable hydrogen storage in Europe.

RICE is working for GRTgaz on this project, bringing its expertise in Gas Quality, Risk Analysis and Hazardous Phenomena Modeling.

Project timetable

This project, launched on March1, 2024, will continue over several years:

Ultimately, in the commercial operation phase, the two caverns at Manosque will store 6,000 tonnes of hydrogen. At Harsefeld, a storage capacity of 5,200 tonnes is planned.

"The project is supported by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its members."Clean Hydrogen Partnership and European Union logos