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End of phase 1 for the SmHYre project


Development of a "Hydrogen and Renewable Gas Flowmetering Metrology Service Platform".

The SMHYRE project aims to create an innovation center at GRTgaz's research and development site in Alfortville, with a view to structuring a new sector dedicated to hydrogen and renewable gas metering. The initiative is aimed primarily at industrial players, such as manufacturers of metering equipment in France and Europe, network and infrastructure operators, and metrology laboratories.

Completion of the First Technical Phase

We are delighted to announce the completion of the first technical phase of the project, which focuses on industrial metering of up to 2000 Nm3/h of hydrogen. This stage involves adapting a test and calibration bench specifically for hydrogen. The work carried out includes optimization of the piping, installation of an on-site hydrogen flare, and safety improvements.

The second phase of the project is now underway. It is dedicated to low-flow metering for tertiary and domestic applications. This phase involves the design and implementation of a new multi-gas test rig, capable of testing a variety of gases, from natural gas to hydrogen, as well as different types of biogas.

Technical Challenges of Hydrogen Transport

Transporting hydrogen through existing gas infrastructures raises a number of technical issues. These concern in particular the mechanical behavior of materials, sealing problems and equipment ageing. In this context, GRTgaz has already commissioned the FenHYx test platform at the RICE site in Alfortville in 2021, co-financed by the Île-de-France region. This complementary initiative is designed to strengthen RICE's technical capabilities, in particular to overcome the technological hurdles associated with metering hydrogen and new gases.

An Essential Metrology Platform

Setting up a metrological platform dedicated to the calibration and qualification of metering systems is essential to guarantee adequate technical control. The SMHYRE project responds to this need, complementing the support of French legal metrology with a comprehensive service offering that includes :

Contribution to the Hydrogen and Renewable Gas Sector

SMHYRE plays a crucial role in the development of the hydrogen and renewable gas sectors, offering essential services. These industrial sectors are at the heart of France's decarbonization objectives. The project stands out for its innovative approach, making it possible to deliver service activities and associated results on a wide range of test gases, adapted to the hydrogen and renewable gas ecosystems, with the additional consideration of future accounting with CO2.

Julien ESTIENNE comments: "Through the development of this project, RICE has demonstrated its ability to identify new needs and opportunities to enhance its service offering, to raise subsidies and to carry out the associated technical developments.

This project represents an investment of around one million euros for GRTgaz, co-financed by the "Grands Lieux d'Innovation Leader France 2030" program, supported by Bpifrance and the Île-de-France Region.