RICE is one of the only research centers in the world to have a test bed directly connected to the French distribution network. This feature allows it to conduct large-scale trials.
RICE (Research & Innovation Center for Energy) is a world-class centre of expertise, carrying out R&D activities dedicated to the entire gas chain and its contribution to the energy transition, serving operators in the sector, industrialists and other international research bodies such as the Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI) and the European Gas Research Group (GERG). The multidisciplinary expertise of RICE's 100 experts (technicians, engineers, researchers, etc.) and the study and testing resources they have at their disposal are major assets in supporting the development of renewable gases (testing, sampling, gas quality analysis, technical adaptations of Sandrine Meunier, 48, holds a PhD in Chemistry from Blaise Pascal University (Clermont-Ferrand). She began her career in 1999 at the Research Department of Gaz de France where she successively held the positions of gas quality engineer, "Biogas" project manager, then head of the Processes, Operating Safety and Maintenance division. In 2009, she joined GRDF as Gas Operations Delegate, in charge of the operation and maintenance of distribution networks in the Ile-de-France West region. In 2013, Sandrine Meunier was appointed to GRTgaz's Technical Division as Manager of Network Assets and Ancillary Installations. Then, in 2017, she took over the coordination of the Trans'HYtion project, to study the development of the hydrogen sector at GRTgaz and the necessary technical adaptations to gas facilities. In 2018, she will join GRTgaz's Information System Division as Deputy Director. Sandrine Meunier succeeds Eric Courtalon, who has joined the Brazilian transmission system operator TAG (Transportadora Associada de Gás), as Deputy Technical and Operations Director. Téléchargez le communiqué de presse.