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60th ANNIVERSARY OF GERG: RICE, a key contributor to GERG biomethane


On December 2, 2021, the second day of the GERG anniversary conference focused on the work being done on biomethane. Amélie Louvat from RICE was invited to present the research work carried out by the PRCI (Pipeline Research Council International) to which RICE contributes.

In addition, the GERG Biomethane project was presented at the session. On this occasion, we look back at the key contribution of RICE to the work.

|An important contribution of RICE in corrosion expertise|The CARABIO study, an essential building block for the final stages of biomethane qualitySince the launch of the GERG Biomethane project, RICE has been a driving force and has positioned itself as a key contributor on the corrosion impacts of trace compounds and oxygen (O2), as well as on the sharing and development of knowledge on the quality of biomethane. The GERG Biomethane project aims to remove the technical barriers related to the injection of biomethane from methanisation into gas networks and its uses in order to reinforce the conditions for safe development and to ensure a competitive position for biomethane in the energy system.    

Figure: GERG Biomethane Project Roadmap( )

 |During phases 1 and 2a, RICE, in collaboration with the control and certification provider Kiwa (Netherlands), carried out critical bibliographical reviews on the potential impact of trace compounds in biomethane, as well as on the impact of O2 on wells and surface facilities of underground gas storage facilities. The results of this research show the lack of information on the possible corrosive effects of trace compounds of biomethane on the gas infrastructure and O2 on underground storage facilities. RICE has thus proposed to look further into the subject with Kiwa during the next Phase 2c, by carrying out corrosion tests specific to real problems: with these tests, RICE and its partners will provide answers to the risks of corrosion, in conditions representative of gas infrastructures.      |The experience acquired by RICE with its CARABIO (CARActerisation of BIOmethanes) study has been fundamental for the proposal of two studies integrated in the current phase of the GERG biomethane project (2b) and in its final phase (2c, the last in perspective today):   With this study, RICE will provide experimental evidence, not existing in the literature, of the high quality of regasified bioNGL. The results of this study could be used in EN 16723-2 to update the specification table for bio-NGL fuel, or could be an input for the drafting of a European standard for this fuel within CEN/TC 408.   RICE will carry out screening type analysis campaigns to provide important data for a statistical study on trace compounds in biomethane. One of the key assets of the RICE campaigns will be to propose several combinations of type of input/type of treatment, thanks to the diversity and the large number of biomethane sites in France.||||||||||||